I’ve just moved over from GPSlogger which I found rather tempremental on my wifes phone, it would need a stop/start quite often.
I think I have OwnTracks with 3 iBeacons all using the same UUID and different major/minors, but OwnTracks set to 0 so it picks any of them. 1 works fine as it has full coverage, but I have 2 RPi3’s 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs, so thought why not have 3
I have a region of -home on the 2 phones to match the home zone in HA but it is slightly smaller.
Sometimes in OwnTracks one or both of the phones wander off, and we appear to be in a different streets but due to the iBeacons we are still home. So the question is finally this is normal in the logs to see this right?
2017-10-20 08:11:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'MR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': 5xxxx, 'lon': -xxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Mark/Mark/event'}
2017-10-20 08:11:39 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'HR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': 5xxxx, 'lon': -xxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Helen/Helen/event'}
2017-10-20 08:11:47 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'MR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': xxxxx, 'lon': -xx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Mark/Mark/event'}
2017-10-20 08:13:49 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'HR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': xxxx, 'lon': -xxxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Helen/Helen/event'}