OwnTracks with iBeacons


I’ve just moved over from GPSlogger which I found rather tempremental on my wifes phone, it would need a stop/start quite often.

I think I have OwnTracks with 3 iBeacons all using the same UUID and different major/minors, but OwnTracks set to 0 so it picks any of them. 1 works fine as it has full coverage, but I have 2 RPi3’s 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs, so thought why not have 3 :slight_smile:
I have a region of -home on the 2 phones to match the home zone in HA but it is slightly smaller.

Sometimes in OwnTracks one or both of the phones wander off, and we appear to be in a different streets but due to the iBeacons we are still home. So the question is finally this is normal in the logs to see this right?

2017-10-20 08:11:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'MR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': 5xxxx, 'lon': -xxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Mark/Mark/event'}
2017-10-20 08:11:39 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'HR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': 5xxxx, 'lon': -xxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Helen/Helen/event'}
2017-10-20 08:11:47 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'MR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': xxxxx, 'lon': -xx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Mark/Mark/event'}
2017-10-20 08:13:49 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.device_tracker.owntracks] Ignoring transition update because GPS accuracy is zero: {'_type': 'transition', 'tid': 'HR', 'acc': 0.0, 'desc': '-home', 'event': 'leave', 'lat': xxxx, 'lon': -xxxx, 'tst': xxxx, 'wtst': xxxxx, 't': 'b', 'topic': 'owntracks/Helen/Helen/event'}

I saw those kinds of errors all the time with OwnTracks and never seemed to affect it.

I recently tried OwnTracks again since it Hass supports owntracks_http now. I previously dumped it due to battery drain issues. Unfortunately I still had a lot of battery drain issues and the owntracks_http component caused my Hass install to become unstable. You should check your battery stats and see if your phone goes into deep sleep with OwnTracks installed (note that Android will report the excessive usage as System because its location related). As an example, with GPS Logger installed, my phone would drop maybe 2% overnight and the graph is pretty flat. With owntracks I would lose about 20% overnight. Settings all set per the guides out there. Similar setup as you with a few iBeacons.

my wifes phone tonight said she was 10 miles away… I don’t get that when it should be using the GPS…

If you don’t use OwnTracks, what do you use to track using the iBeacons please?

I have it setup and working and I am seeing some odd things it is flipping between 2 “devices” any ideas please

markmarkmark mark homemmmhhome

this is my devices file

  hide_if_away: false
  name: Mark
  picture: http://www.the-rennies.co.uk/z1.jpg
  track: true

and on own tracks I have min/maj to blank as I have 2 iBeacons using the same UUID but different min/maj and a region called -home

it isn’t flagging me as away which is good, but doesn’t look great.