OZW beta GUI on Windows?

I am not sure I understand the OZW beta GUI and how I can use it.

So I have HA running on a virtual machine. The virtual machine is running on windows 10. From what I can understand, people are saying I can use a GUI loaded on my Windows machine to interface with OZW (not the GUI that you can get to by going to Supervisor > OpenZWave > Open WEB UI

Is this true? If so, any links to instructions? I found one post here but the link they gave to download the GUI application is dead.

Its called ozw admin

Click on assets and download

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Pretty sure I got my download from here…

Just go to the “Latest Installer Images” and select the Windows…

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So i downloaded the software. Installed it, tried to connect to homeassistant.local on port 1983 and got no connection.

Also do i need to do something here in the configuration secition of OZW in HA?

Indeed, set the port for ozw admin

Got it. I thought the 1983/tcp on the far left was saying that was the port it was already open too. But guess not. Added in 1983 under HOST and now it worked. Thanks

Far left is the port on the container. Right is the host. You want to connect to the host and pass to the container.