Ozwcp z-wave and Home Assistant help please


ozwcp and HA all see my devices and all work perfectly, except the Fibaro sensor doesn’t update LUX or TEMP unless I press the B button. I try to use ozwcp to update the config, but each time I enter a number is goes back to default.

So I looked at editing the xml files instead, but even thought the config is there in the HA folder, it is “ignored” TEMP/LUX still not updating
It looks like HA is pulling the config as it has changed the name of the sensor to “Kitchen” but the values just don’t update.
am I right to modify at this location manually?

RPi3 using all in one


Anyone please? Think i have screwed up and will install from scratch. Where does ozwcp save its config changes and does HA pull its zwave files from there? Cheers

If the value goes back to default, then it isn’t being set. You can’t edit those config files, as the values have to be stored in the device.

What device is it you’re using (Fibaro do a range of sensor devices)?

ah I have the
FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor General
and the FGMS001 Motion Sensor General

So I have probably made a mistake editing the files :smiley: dammit

I suspect you may have to wake up the motion sensor when setting the values, so that it receives them immediately. You do that by triple clicking the B button, as explained in the manual.