Parsing json in esphome it is possible?

Hi,unfortunately i cannot find info about parsing json natively in esphome. I have found some platformio libs like arduinojson. There is a way for using it in lambda?
I am using esphome homeassistant addon latest version, i do some test in a new yaml:
name: test
platform: ESP32
board: esp32dev
include <ArduinoJson.h>
It give me an error about ArduinoJson.h not found i dont believe this is the right way for obtaining the library, googling around it seems that this library had to be imported from platformio but using esphome addon how i can access to platformio subsystem?

Thanks, my final goal is obtain values from a nested json, Does anyone have a similar project with some code to share for understand?

Why do you need to handle a JSON in ESPHome ? datas you get from an UART connected device ?
Did you get a look at ESPHome documentation for custom devices ? Custom Sensor Component — ESPHome