Passing the initial state to the end? Contact sensor through device tracker

Hey all… I have my contact sensors set up to tell me when doors open from 9:45pm - sunrise.

I am trying to hook up these same contact sensors to tell to go through the current state of my device tracker and if I’m away, tell me when doors open/close. However, when I open my test contact sensor and it runs through the current state of my device, I am obviously getting home or not_home instead of on or off… Override topic doesn’t seem to work… Any ideas?

the change node is turning on to open and off to closed.

you can change the current state node so state and entity is written to another location. so your msg.payload doesnt change.


My hero! You’ve been priceless to my posts lately! Still trying to find some time to work on Aqara config you’ve been helping me with. Thanks again buddy!

:relaxed: haha… no worries…

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