Password for OpenZwave VNC?

So I’m trying to connect to the VNC on my OpenZwave addon and it asks for a password. I’ve tried my home-assistant’s admin user password, but that gets denied… what’s the dang password here? None of the docs mention that I’ll get prompted for a password nor indicate what that could be or where it’s set up.

I never needed a password to connect to OZW through VNC. Can you show a screenahot of the place where it asks for a password?

In OS X, connecting to vnc://

I do see some sort of issue in the logs of the addon when I try to connect (and leave the password blank). But this is it and there’s nothing else once I hit the second screenshot

[12:14:15] INFO: Starting ozw-admin...
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
ozwadmin: Settings Path is at  "/root/.config/OpenZWave/ozw-admin.conf"
ozwadmin: Checking  "/data/ozw/config"  for manufacturer_specific.xml
ozwadmin: Checking  "/data/ozw/config"  for options.xml
ozwadmin: DBPath:  "/data/ozw/config/"
ozwadmin: userPath:  "/data/ozw/config/"
ozwadmin: Settings Path:  "/root/.config/OpenZWave/ozw-admin.conf"
ozwadmin: Using Saved Network Cache Size: 10000
QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN: %{backtrace} is not supported by this Qt build
[20201211 12:14:15.874 PST] [ozwadmin] [info]: OZWCore Initilized QTOpenZwave(0x5628f13afde0) QTOZWManager(0x5628f13b06a0) 
[20201211 12:14:15.896 PST] [default] [warning]: QVncServer created on port 5900

Hmm, ok sorry can’t help you here.

Just use the application from your PC

Don’t have a Windows machine and QT is broken in OS X Big Sur and no update available yet, so I can’t use the ozw-admin app

Utilize the web client on port 7800 then.

Okay yes I realize that’s possible, but I don’t want to because it’s 640x480 and really difficult to work with. That’s why this thread is asking about the VNC client.

An external VNC client does not change the resolution.

Thanks for the information – I wasn’t aware that was also the issue. Most VNC sessions with other machines that I’ve had were able to be resized.

Were you able to get this working? I’m unable to get in with either of the web clients via port 7800 as well :frowning:

Really if you’re having this much trouble, just switch to zwave-js already.

Yeah, I just need to sit down and do all the research first. I’m not familiar enough with ZWave in general to know how I’ll be effected by any of the not yet implemented command classes. For instance, I have my lights ramp up to their desired brightness and this is not supported via transitions yet.