Password problems after upgrade to 0.90.1

I just updated 0.89.x to 0.90.1. As instructed, I moved the legacy api password info to the provider section, and everything seemed to be fine.

However, a day later, I tried to open the IDE plugin and found that I couldn’t log in - it wasn’t accepting my username and password (which should be the usual username and password for HA). After poking a bit, I found this to be true of all the other plugins that use the usual HA username and password.

I’m still able to access the HA frontend, since apparently the browsers remember the connection, but when I try to connect from a different browser, it only asks me for the legacy api password, not username, and connects me as a LAP user.

I tried changing my password through the user interface, but doing so generates an “unknown error”.

Looking at the log, I get 2019-03-27 14:52:14 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.auth] Can't find Home Assistant auth.

I’m not currently at home, so can’t SSH into the machine or open a samba share, so I can’t post my configuration file. Normally I’d access it via Configurator or IDE add-ons, but I’m locked out of both.


And figured it out. when I added the following to configuration.yaml:

   - type: legacy_api_password
     api_password: !secret api_password

I thereby disabled the new auth_provider. The correct yaml is:

   - type: homeassistant
   - type: legacy_api_password
     api_password: !secret api_password

The homeassistant auth_provider is on by default, but if you add any other providers, like the legacy api provider, you need to include it as well. Missed that…

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