The “repeat output” option of the bigtimer is enabled, to the watering starts and stops, even if the connection is interupt for a few moments. The problem with the option is, that when I start the watering pump manually, the flow stops the pump after a few moments. I had to go to node red, disable the bigtimer, swtich the pump on later off and then enable the bigtimer again.
Is there any smart solution, that if I start the pump manually, the flow will be disabeld and enabeld, when I stop the pump with a switch?
The perfect solution would be, that I can define a time like 60min and the start the flow manually for 60min in HA.
Have a look at the gate node in node red - this will allow you to setup a gate to start and stop messages going through a flow - you can couple this with the timer node of your choice (i use Neil Cherrys MyTimeout) to do something similar to what you want to achieve.
I assume when you say start the pump manually - you mean under program control - not Automatically with Bigtimer ? i.e. you will have a dashboard with a switch along the lines of Start/Stop Watering Pump ?
If so the output of this node would close the gate that i spoke of above as well as turning the pump on
If you mean manually turn the physical pump on - then there is no way of knowing it is running unless you have some form of sensor, be that flow, vibration or power so that you can know the pump is operating ?