Percentage based thermostat

Why doesnt it exist a percentage/step-based thermostat?

Problem: My entrance has heated floor but the floor-sensor is defect, so the thermostat uses the air-temp to choose when to power on and off, the problem is that the air-temp is always good enough for the heated floors to not kick in, which results in unnecessary cold floor (and rainwater, snow etc doesnt dry as fast …)

I know i can create this “thermostat” with an input_number (from 0-10 or 0-100%) and a automation that sets the thermostat to, lets say 30*C to force it on in the given period of an hour ( 20% = 12 minutes = 2 minutes on every 10 minutes)…
I think this should be built in to the generic_thermostat as temperature-sensors are not always good enough … heated floors should be a supplement to heating and not the main source

Please direct me in the right direction if this already exists :smiley:

There are TRVs and thermal actuators that can do valve position. I believe that is a better option.
Or is it electric heated floor?

Get a real sensor of some sort that can measure your floor temperature (DIY ESPHome has hundreds, or off the shelf wifi, zigbee or zwave).

Use the generic thermostat component with this and whatever controls your floor heating.

Its a electric heated floor, so TRV and valve-actuators cant be used here :frowning:

@tom_l yeah, that is doable, but I would then need more hardware and tinkering instead of a more “simple” software solution since i already have the heater which “just needs a advanced on/off timer” :confused:

Use an automation and a schedule helper then.

yeah I’m going to do that now since a regulator based thermostat doesnt exist … hence my wish for it to be a pre-made solution, imma share what I’ve hacked together when i’m happy with the outcome …

You really should look into getting a temperature sensor for the floor. They’re cheap and it will mean you are not heating when you don’t need to.

Wouldn’t a simple ZigBee sensor meant for walls work decently if they are placed on the floor somewhere?

Yep, assuming they have zigbee. Otherwise:

I have a spare Aqara multi laying around, i will dump it on the floor somewhere hidden and see how it works (doubt it will be accurate as the room is between a heat-pump and the outdoors - hence why i think a step-based thermostat would be smart here), but i’ll eat my words if the sensor does the trick :slight_smile: although that means another sensor to keep track off… anyway, hacky untested solution:

“Normal” thermostat on top, my hacky solution at the bottom



alias: Climate - Vindfang - Prosentbasert
description: ""
  - trigger: time_pattern
    minutes: /10
  - condition: state
    entity_id: climate.vindfang_varmekabler
    state: heat
  - variables:
      kabler: climate.vindfang_varmekabler
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 28
      entity_id: "{{kabler}}"
  - delay: "{{states('input_number.hjelper_vindfang_termostat') | int *6}}"
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: 18
      entity_id: "{{kabler}}"
mode: single