Permission Denied Access Hassio Samba Share

I am having an issue accessing the samba share on my Hassio. I can mount the share on Windows and can read/write files. From my Linux system (Rasbian Lite), I can mount the share and read/write the file as root. But as a normal users, I can only read files, but not write. User sudo as a regular user allows me to write. The samba log shows that the connection is make as user root. I want to be able to write to the share as a normal user. Any suggestions?

Entry in RPi /etc/fstab:
// /HASSIO cifs user=xxxx,password=xxxx,rw 0 0

In hassio config all files have root permissions. Why do you want to write as a different user?

It is not on the hassio system I want to write as a different user. It is on the remote system where I need to be a different user. I can write to the hassio share from windows and the file is created as root. But when I write from the remote RPi system, the share only allows the root user to write, not a normal user.

And doing things as root is not good practice on Linux systems.

Did you ever solve this issue? I have a similar problem. I’m running a PHP script on my windows 10 server which, amongst others, generates a json file. With the command: file_put_contents(\\HOMEASSISTANT\share\parameters.json) I try to put the json file across to my rpi (HOMEASSISTANT Samba share) to any directory possible, i.e. share, config etc. The response being: Permission denied in: file_put_contents($file2, $json);
Anyone having a suggestion how to resolve!
Strange enough, using windows explorer or windows command: copy /y parameters.json \\homeassistant\config\parameters.json works perfectly fine.

I assume you installed PHP in IIS ? Your IIS user is not your windows desktop user, so you have to grant permissions to the IIS user in samba.

Thanks a lot for your clear response. However, realization is a bit beyond me which brings the fear of violating any security issue. Have opted for a cron job instead.