Permit_join being ignored

I’ve been having a right nightmare. I’m building a second box for a holiday home ready to take out there. So I have some old sensors and plugs, etc, that I’m not using.

But what I found, after a lot of swearing, is that on my main box, even when permit_join was set to false, it was picking up devices in pairing mode that I was trying to connect to the second box. So I removed them an blocked them.

I’ve also noticed that now that I’ve powered the second box down, the main box is picking some of the devices up again even though I haven’t put them in pairing mode.

So, 2 questions, I guess…

  1. Is permit_join: false ignored if the device has been paired to that coordinator in the past?
  2. If a device (in this case, Hue sensors, I thnk) can’t find the coordinator that it’s paired with, will it just look for any available one on the network?

I’m running Z2M with a CC2652R stick on the main box and a Conbee II with ZHA on the second box.