Hi there,
I recently decided to swithc from Domoticz to HA, running the latest HA in Docker container. In addition I have a Zwave Plus USB controller, and decided to install the new Zwave-JS integration (also in docker) to control my Zwave devices.
One of these Zwave devices is the Philio 4-in-1 multisensor, however it does not seem to work properly with HA/Zwave-JS (while it did with Domoticz). It is probably related to parameter 7, which is by default configured to 4 and configures the sensor so that reports are being send in a Notification Report format. See attached logging. While using this setting, no door open/close events are detected/logged.
While configuring this parameter to 22, it will make sure binary reports are being send and the door open/close event is indeed logged (see logging). However, the sensor in HA is not being updated and I don’t see any changes in the entities for this device related to the door open/close. I do see other entities, like temperature, being provided and updated in HA.
I assume this has something to do with either the new Zwave-JS integration, HA itself, or maybe both. Would you be able to help with this? Thank you.
Edit: I could not add attachments, so here is a snippet of the logs:
Notification Report:
Subscribed to Z-Wave JS Log Messages...
2021-08-10T19:48:00.762Z SERIAL « 0x010b0004000603800364c600d4 (13 bytes)
2021-08-10T19:48:00.767Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Battery] level: 100 => 100 [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T19:48:00.777Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Battery] isLow: false => false [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T19:48:00.785Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-08-10T19:48:00.794Z DRIVER « [Node 006] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
level: 100
is low: false
2021-08-10T19:48:00.804Z SERIAL « 0x010d00040006053105030103c60006 (15 bytes)
2021-08-10T19:48:00.809Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [Multilevel Sensor] Illuminance: metadata updated [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T19:48:00.817Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Multilevel Sensor] Illuminance: 2 => 3 [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T19:48:00.821Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-08-10T19:48:00.826Z DRIVER « [Node 006] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
type: Illuminance
scale: Percentage value
value: 3
Binary Sensor/Report:
`Subscribed to Z-Wave JS Log Messages...
Log Level changed to: Debug
2021-08-10T18:37:48.010Z SERIAL « 0x010b0004000603800364c700d5 (13 bytes)
2021-08-10T18:37:48.021Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Battery] level: 100 => 100 [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T18:37:48.030Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Battery] isLow: false => false [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T18:37:48.039Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-08-10T18:37:48.059Z DRIVER « [Node 006] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
level: 100
is low: false
2021-08-10T18:37:48.067Z SERIAL « 0x010c00040006043003ff0ac700f4 (14 bytes)
2021-08-10T18:37:48.071Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [Binary Sensor] Door/Window: metadata updated [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T18:37:48.078Z CNTRLR [Node 006] [~] [Binary Sensor] Door/Window: false => true [Endpoint 0]
2021-08-10T18:37:48.083Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2021-08-10T18:37:48.089Z DRIVER « [Node 006] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
type: Door/Window
value: true`