Philips Hue bulbs LWE002 with zigbee


I recently lost my entire home assistant configuration due to an issue with my SD card.
I have begun restoring most of my devices/entities and I’ve come to an issue when getting to the Philips Hue LWE002 bulbs and my zigbee2mqtt device.

I had these previously working, but I can’t remember how I get them working last time.
I also managed to get two of the three bulbs I have to show up on Zigbee when searching for new devices, but they weren’t even working correctly (when I was turning them on and off nothing was happening)

It’s also worth noting I do not have a Hue Bridge, just the BT app.

My current process is: -

  1. Go to the Hue BT app
  2. Select my bulb and go to light settings
  3. Reset the bulb

As I have said, two of the three bulbs appear when searching for zigbee devices, but the third does not. The firmware, the bulbs and everything else are exactly the same on all three bulbs, yet this one bulb just can’t be found. Even if it is found I’m not hopeful of it working as the other two don’t. I guess my first step is to actually get all three discovered and added to zigbee.

Does anyone have experience with connecting Hue bulbs with a zigbee2mqtt device?
