Philips Hue Striplight Entity ID Overlap?

Hi learned commuity members,
I have two Philips Hue bridges at my place.
They’re co-existing well.
I have a particular strip light in a room. I can add the light to my bridge no problem (via the app).
I restart HA integration, and the light is discovered as ‘unavailable’.
No matter what I do I can’t change that.
When I go to my other bridge in HA there’s an identical Entity_ID “light.hue_lightstrip_plus_2”.
That is available and works fine.

I’ve tried cleaning my bridge settings via the Hue App. rediscorvering the light to see if it allocates a different ID. no luck.

Of course I’m assuming that’s the problem.
The light works via the app no problem. The light can also be added to a Hue Switch without issue.

My environment:
Core 2021.6.6 (Supervised Install)
Debian (with dockers)
Hue Integration (latest… can’t seem to find where to find the version)…

Any ideas on how / where I can change the Entity_ID to something unique, either in the bridge or HA?

Not sure what your actual issue / question is.

If you just want to rename your entity, go

Thanks for that.
When the entity is ‘unavailable’ I’m not able to make any changes to it.

I did however get it going about 30 minutes ago!
Deleted the light via the Hue app.
Cleared the bridge config via the Hue app.
Restarted HA.
Reconfigured the light in the Hue app.
Restarted HA.
The entity_ID is now different and it is indeed reachable and working.

I do appreciate the reply and the assistance. :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Hi @koying

Update, the problem light is unavailable again.
On that one.
I tried changing the Entity_ID per the suggestion by @koying.
Getting this in the logs:

Platform hue does not generate unique IDs. ID 00:17:88:01:04:8c:c0:c9-0b already exists - ignoring light.hue_lightstrip_plus_30

It’s only this one light…