Philips Sonicare Integration for Bluetooth Toothbrushes

Just wanted to follow up after a week of use. This has been working great. At first I had the ESP 32 in a different room, which had spotty results Once I moved it into the bathroom though it has been working solidly. I plan to print a case for it and hide it out of the way a bit better.

I want to set up an automation that alerts me if my kids haven’t brushed their teeth and if they have brushed for enough time. We’ll see how that goes.

Great work @iamjosh and thanks for the help @EdwardTFN!


Something came up while I was messing around with BT proxies and BLE Clients on the same device. I was testing it out on the ESP32 that I use for the toothbrushes and I found that if I set the Bluetooth proxy to active scanning true, then it wouldn’t find the Sonicare toothbrushes via the BLE client. If it set the BT proxy to active scanning false, then it found the toothbrushes again. I’m wondering if that’s the key for using a BT proxy with GrumpyMeow’s HACS integration (if you get it set up).

Someone might want to test that out.

  active: false

Really glad this worked for you!

Very interesting!

I have an ESP proxy right next to the toothbrush. How to make it discover the Sonicare (home-assistant-collection/ESPHome/Sonicare at main · iamjoshk/home-assistant-collection · GitHub) ?

Not that deep in the ESP business yet.

I really don’t know how to get the toothbrushes to be discovered by a bluetooth proxy. That is why I went with using a BLE client instead.

I’m not using a ESP32, I have Bluetooth built-in on my NUC Home Assistant. I have a bunch of other Bluetooth devices connecting. But the Philips Sonicare doesn’t show up. Is there some magic needed due to it being BLE?

Also, please everyone vote, at the top of this thread, so we can try to push for an official Integration.

It is essentially the same as connecting your toothbrush to your phone. The toothbrush wakes up when moving, when running or when charging starts/stops. (This might vary by model, but I don’t expect significant differences.) You need to wake the toothbrush up in order to be discoverable or in order to connect.

My toothbrush is discovered, but connection fails with a simple “Failed to connect”:

Any advice?

Is that using grumpymeow’s integration?

Are you going through a ESPHome BT proxy? If yes, try changing your setting to

  active: false

To be clear, I don’t use the integration and I don’t know if this is work, it is just something I noticed when I was messing around with combining the BT proxy and BLE Client in my testing.