Phone battery level shown in Dev. Tools/Statistics

Why is my Mobile phone battery level shown in myHAOS Servers Development Tools/Statistics ?

I have the app installed on the phone, it has a number of permissions, is one of them to communicate my mobiles battery level to the Server ?

Yes sir, the phone status is reported. You can control what is reported via this integration.



Settings → Companion app → Sensors → Manage Sensors → Battery Sensors

If this helps, :heart: this post!

Thanks :slight_smile:
That is curious, I have the app currently ‘frozen’ in Shelter … can one find out the last time the phones battery level value was communicated to the server ?

Correction, just found it was ‘unfrozen’ …

Yes, locate the entity and look at the history

Ahh, yes, but my Battery Level is just a flat line though @ 83% going back a few days. ‘28 minutes ago’ is displayed.

Interesting, yes just seen there a lot of entities listed for the phone.

My system is e/OS - a degoogled phone, someone on their forum questioned all the permissions given, but of course, its only given to the server you run, no one else.