Phoscon Ikea lights problem


I installed succesfully a Zigbee Conbee II gateway stick with Deconz. Now I would like to pair 3 Ikea lightbulbs in Phoscon. But what I try, the bulbs are not found in Phoscon.
I tried other USB port, firmware stick has the latest version, but nothing works. What I’m doing wrong here?

Everthing is configured on an Odroid N2+.

Couple of things to check. Reset them before you start pairing in phoscon. If you switch the bulbs off/on 6x in quick succession they should flash. Then start the pairing in Phoscon.
Also something I have noticed occasionally with Phoscon when pairing, it does not notify success but when you back out they are actually listed as paired!

+1 and I noticed that in certain cases, scanning for switches returns result for non-switches.