Pi Zero 2 w/Wyoming Sat stability & reliability?

Had little difficulty figuring out the best forum for this topic, so gonna start here.

Weeks back I installed Wyoming-Satellite on a Pi 3B, and that so far has been good. Then I followed the more popular method to install on a Pi Zero 2. Bought 2x of them with 2x Seed HATs. Been a couple weeks and these seem to be becoming less and less stable.

I printed up a couple of satellite cases, one has access from the top (i.e. direct to the HAT) and the other has access from bottom (i.e. I can touch the Pi). I did notice the one was rather hot, when I touched the Pi . The other the Seed HAT is room temperature, so any heat from the Pi is not seemingly affecting the HAT (guessing here).

For the software. The Pi 3 has remained stable, night or day I can say “Hey Jarvis”. The Pi Zeros, I had to create a timer to restart the Wyoming-Satellite service every 2 hours. The Pi would be accessible via SSH, and I would have to manually restart the service to get it to respond! Worse these past few days I am getting up in the morning to find these two Zeros need to be power cycled. I can ping them, but can not even SSH to them.

Did some Googling, Zeros do not need heatsink, but why not put one on because it wouldn’t hurt is the summary of what I found. Did not find any help on whether my 5v 2.5a power supply was sufficient for the Pi Zero + Seed HAT + 3W 8Ohm speaker. Best I could find there was one post on Pi forum that my take away was I did not need a 5v 3a or more power (taking with grains of salt for this forum I saw the post).

Soooooooooooooooooo I would like to know what others are:

A.) Using - Heatsinks, power supplies, etc…
B.) Experiencing - Anyone else finding the Pi Zero unstable, find a cause, find a solution, etc…

I found that the Pi Zero 1 was fine without heatsink, but the Pi Zero 2 needed a heatsink to be stable and the heatsink should preferably be able to move the heat upwards, so having it going downwards would lower the effect drastically

I have almost given up on these Pi Zero 2s. Of the 3 satellites I have setup, 2x are Zero 2s and 1x is 3B. All with Seeed 2 MIC hats, all setup & installed the same. It does happen I have to power cycle the Pi 3B every so often as it becomes unresponsive (i.e. can not SSH to it but can ping it which is frustrating). The 2x Zeros had heatsinks installed Saturday, by Sunday I had taken them out of their cases as they still locked up. Now this morning I added a system timer to scheduled reboot every 12 hours.

In the tutorial we are told to use Pi OS legacy, and I have not bothered yet to try if regular OS Lite works better (I honestly do not know difference between regular vs Legacy). What I know is I am using a Pi Zero 2 + Seeed MIC + the same simple tutorial on the Rhasspy Wyomming Satellite. Other than the hostname or such I should have the same as everyone else…so is this common? Is this normal what I am experiencing? Is it the Pi Zero 2? The OS? Rhasspy software? The tutorial miss something important?