Picture Element Card Scale clickable Area

Hello Guys,

can someone maybe help me with my Problem i just tested the Picture Element Card and i wanne make a Photo of my Room and add the Lights Enitys so that i can click on the lights to Toggle them on/off and they also Show visual that they turn on/off.

My Question is it is Possible to Scale the Area where i Touch/CLick the Picture of the Enity?

I also made a Video to Show a bit better my Problem. It only should toggle the light when i rly click on the light and not 5 cm above or under it.

type: picture-elements
image: local/images/animate/led_aus.jpg
  - type: image
    entity: light.wled
      left: 50%
      top: 50%
      width: 100%
      'on': local/images/animate/led_an.png
      'off': local/images/animate/tr.png
      action: toggle

Thats how i did it now.

and the Video of it:

Thx alot in advance.

Greets Chriss

Did you ever solved it?