Picture-elements image field not working

I’m trying to setup one of those floorplan cards using picture-elements.

type: picture-elements
image: /local/floorplan.jpg
  - type: icon
    icon: 'mdi:home'
    title: Test
    tap_action: none

I can access that image file by visiting a URL in my internal network: http://homeassistant:8123/local/floorplan.jpg

I can even do a picture card with it and see it in my view:

image: /local/floorplan.jpg
  action: none
type: picture

But the picture-elements card won’t work. Even setting image: parameter to something on the public network using http:// address doesn’t bring the image up. Bug or am I doing something wrong with picture-element card?

Having the same problem here picture card displays an image but both picture-elements and picture-entity don’t
I’m on 0.84.6

I took a look at your config and don’t see anything wrong compared to mine
but to let you know, my picture-elements is working (.84.6).
I have experienced case sensitivity for image files (.JPG vs .jpg) etc.

Here is my config:

  - title: View4
    icon: mdi:flower
   #theme: dark_orange
      - type: picture-elements
        title: Da Picture Elements #optional
        image: /local/LivingRoomColor1.png

Did you solve that?

I’m having the exact same problem:

type: picture-elements
image: /local/FP.png

  • type: icon
    icon: ‘mdi:home’
    title: Test
    tap_action: none

HA version: 0.86.0
If i create a Picture card using the same image it works well.

I did manage to fix it, I think it was because I was missing entities for the elements or something. Something was wrong with the syntax one way or another.

I found a complete example config from someone and just copy pasted the entire view into my ui-lovelace.yaml file. The floorplan image showed up with a bunch of errors/mistakes, but it showed up. I then started slowly tailoring and changing pieces of it until it matched my own personal configuration.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Lovelace picture-elements card, it’s just very picky/non-verbose about errors in the configuration.