The picture-entity card when in panel mode is slightly too tall. I’ve tried on all 3 main broswers and it’s always a few pixels bigger than the available screen size. Here’s what I mean - in order to see the whole picture you have to scroll. It’s only a few pixels but it’s always there. Only seems to happen when the screen is scaled >=150% - but as I need 175% to be able to read anything on my screen - it’s a constant nuisance.
I mean thanks for that - but it’s a pretty poor suggestion to be honest. Font size is only one thing that scaled - buttons icons etc also get scaled. The suggestion is to change my settings on my PC because my one website (admittedly self hosted) because one website doesn’t work correctly is missing the point by quite a wide mark. What we need is some way to make the website behave correctly…
No, you aren’t understanding (by a wide mark ). Change the font on the card.
Use the card modder card to increase the CSS font size. It may or may not be doable, it’ll be trial and error because some cards do have hard coded font size.
Also, this has nothing to do with your OS. It’s 100% browser side.