Ping (ICMP) add package loss property

Hey there,

I’ve been using the Ping (ICMP) sensor to test the reliability of my network connection and then take action when it drops.
When it drops around 80% of the packages will be lost.
It would be great to have access to this value since it would allow me to fine tune the automation.
I get a lot of false positives right now, since if one ping makes it it will be reported as connected.
Setting the ping count to 1 helps, but then I get a lot of false negatives.
It would be great to have this as a property, like we have for the average round trip.

I had a look at the code and the ping command the sensor is based on reports back the package loss usually as far as I know; maybe we could tap into that?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Welcome @FTPlus !
Vote for your feature!
May I add: And make it configurable via the UI

I use NodeReds ping to get around this issue.