Platform Homeassistant Event: Start not working after last update

Hi guys

I used to have this automation to launch a set of events in NodeRED but since the last update (Im not sure is after updating to the very last 0.94.1) is not triggering anything:

  - id: 20083dcd33e145129c0c066890f82adf
  alias: Power state on HA start-up
  - event: start
    platform: homeassistant
  - data:
      payload: ''
      topic: sonoffs/cmnd/state
    service: mqtt.publish
  - data:
      entity_id: input_boolean.sync
    service: input_boolean.turn_on

Anyone with any idea??

Take a look in Dev Tools/states if your automation is ‘on’.

and add “initial_state: true” for good measure.

Wow so simple!

Thanks that did it