Platform template - sensors | What happened to my sensors | Please help?

I have ten switches with energy monitoring. I saw a short power failure (around 15 seconds) My two UPS units took care of the situation. But what happened to power monitoring sensors (today_energy_kwh) I just can not understand.

Edit: solved. It has happened me earlier I just did not remember. Switches are blocked from internet. Power failure probably breaks the time from the sensor. So short connection to internet fixed the problem.

The attribute in switch.mvarastoplug is called ‘total_energy_kwh’, in your template sensor you are using ‘today_energy_kwh’

Edit: solved. It has happened me earlier I just did not remember. Switches are blocked from internet. Power failure probably breaks the time from the sensor. So short connection to internet fixed the problem.

Edit: solved. It has happened me earlier I just did not remember. Switches are blocked from internet. Power failure probably breaks the time from the sensor. So short connection to internet fixed the problem.