Plattform SQL not working

Hi all,
I’m running HA 0.110.4 in docker on Synology, When I add the following sensor to the sensors.yaml, HA is not starting anymore.

- platform: sql
  db_url: mysql://user:[email protected]:3306/HomeAssistant
  scan_interval: 3600
    - name: temp_max_today
      query: "Select max(cast(state as decimal(10,1))) as max_temperature
              from HomeAssistant.states where  entity_id = 'sensor.00181709adb3d5_actual_temperature' and
              date_format(created + INTERVAL 2 Hour, '%Y-%m-%d') = current_date()"
      column: max_temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    - name: sunshine_today
      query: "select 
              cast(date_format(TIMEDIFF(next_time,time),'%i') as integer) * 60 
              cast(date_format(TIMEDIFF(next_time,time),'%s') as integer) 
              ) / 60,0) +
              cast(date_format(TIMEDIFF(next_time,time),'%i') as integer) * 60 
              cast(date_format(TIMEDIFF(next_time,time),'%s') as integer) 
              ) / 60 / 60 mod 1) * 60,0) duration
              from HomeAssistant.vwSunshineDuration
              where next_time is not null"
      column: duration
      unit_of_measurement: "min"

It worked before, but I had many errors because the scan interval wasn’t set. So I added “scan_interval: 3600” and after that, no HA showed up. It doesn’t matter now if I remove the scan interval or not.
HA only works without the whole sql-sensor.
Is the integration too slow for my sql ?
Is there any solution to get the needed data in an other way ?

Might be good to list the errors you see in home-assistant.log In the meantime you could perhaps you could try the pymsql driver.

db_url: mysql+pymsql://user:[email protected]:3306/HomeAssistant

Edit: Actually, disregard that unless you’re using mariadb instead of plain old MySQL.