Play a Sonos Playlist

I’m trying to automate the playing of a sonos playlist, I have managed to get the sonos url for the playlist from the ‘:1400/status/perf’ page on the sonos device. I have then included that in my script:

sequence: - alias: Play Playlist service: media_player.play_media data: entity_id: media_player.study__bathroom media_content_id: x-sonos-http:A0DvPDnowsJZGhqIun9xVe52WvXXyi3uouZCihFcCmdYbg2P8L50_A.mp3?sid=151&flags=32&sn=1 media_content_type: PLAYLIST

When this is triggered it does start playing the playlist, however it doesn’t add each item on the playlist to the queue so I lose the ability to skip tracks, it also doesn’t show track information or cover art.

On a similar note, trying to play a radio station stream using the following url: hls-radio:// results in the stream being played but no station information of logo being shown.

Is there someway I’m missing to get the extra information to show?

That appears to be the url for single songs… maybe? When I use the :1400 I saw a url starting with “x-sonosapi-radio” - using this worked and is skippable with the artwork. Not sure if it’s simply the content_id you need to update or not but maybe worth a shot.