Playing a spotify song through a Bose or Sonos from a trigger

I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while with not much luck so hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

As part of a trigger of my CCTV I would like to play a specific Spotify song of a dog barking (which amazingly Spotify have), through my Bose SoundTouch at 50% volume so if a suspect burglars came snooping my fake dog can go mental and hopefully said burglars with run away. Just to note people have tried to get in 3 times now for my car keys so want to try my best at making deterrents.

I’ve looked at quite a few posts but nothing that specifically states what I need to do so I was hoping people could help me and then once i’ve got it working I will post a how to topic on here to help others in this community.

Does anyone have any steps where to starts and what code I need in my automation? Can you even play just a specific song from spotify?

Here is the album link

here is the specific track
