Please add sqlite binary to ssh add-on

I have corrupted sqlite that is huge (almost 100GB). I cannot repair it thru sqlite-addon (container is killed before end). I cannot vacuum it or even finish “PRAGMA integrity_check” thru sqlite addon. I have found sollution: “sqlite3 mycorruptedhome-assistant.db “.dump” | sqlite3 good-home-assistant.db” but first I need to send thru network my huge database, then I can repair it and then send thru network my not so huge and repaired database back to HA. During this operation HA must be stopped. Sending thru network my corrupted database is time overkilling task in this solution. If there will be possibility to do repair task without sending huge db thru network it it will take even 30x faster so I’ll not loose hours of monitoring sensors. Please add sqlite3 binary to your container in ssh addon.

You can do that yourself, apk add sqlite

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Thank you !!! I didn’t know that I can install anything on it :D. Repairing in progress.