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Hello everyone…
I am struggling with the HASS os.
I want to use the intel media driver (Release Intel Media Driver 2024Q3 Release - 24.3.4 · intel/media-driver · GitHub) but don’t now how to compile it for HASS…
Found that file in the frigate addon docker container but it seems to be an old 2023 version and i read alot about issues with older versions
So how would i do that? what sdk is needed and so on…
Background is my try to get h265 working on an i3-9100t and when i put the


into the frigate yaml i get:


which point to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/ but that directory is not existing in HASS os but does in frigate addon.

Please…someone help

You can’t add it to HA OS, if you’re running supervised then just install it.

You can not and should not try to change the driver that is inside of the frigate container.

Hello and thx for the reply…
“Then just install it” is my plan…how do i do that…
I am installed bare metal, supervised, core, os…the whole 9 yards…
So how do i install and from which component? Supervisor, OS, Core?
I know how to get into dockers via ssh and i get into my OS as well via ssh.
So all i need is the how.
Can you give me a hint? Cause apt and such do not exist…

Apt definitely should exist if you’re running supervised OS in the recommended way. If you’re using HA OS then you have no options.

Ok…thx a lot again…
So, i might need some clarification than…
is this getting me to the correct location?

ssh root@ip -p 22222 -i /ssl/private_key

Cause that works but i end up with this

# apt
-sh: apt: not found

Maybe i am at the worng spot?

This is my prompt when opening terminal

  OS Version:               Home Assistant OS 14.1
  Home Assistant Core:      2024.12.5

  Home Assistant URL:       http://homeassistant.local:8123
  Observer URL:             http://homeassistant.local:4357

Oh damnit…do i misunderstand the observer with supervised here?
Trying to read up on that subject for days now.
I have Home assistant installed bare metal…so in your world that would mean i am doomed, right?
Supervised would be than when i have a separate Linux “hosting” the hass shenanigan’s, right?
Is there any way to transfer all i have into a supervised landscape?

Right, there’s no option currently. The recommended way for frigate is to run everything in docker on top of debian12

Thx for the info