I rarely look at the statistics page in dev-tools but today I finally did and was gretted by 10’s if not a hundred “fix issue” notifications. the vast majority are items that have been excluded from being recorded\ for various reasons.
I don’t want them recorded any longer so the only “fix” is to delete them from the statistics.
But that is a huge monotonous chore when there are many many of them to delete.
here’s an example:
as you can see to delete each one takes two clicks and a lot of mouse movements. if you have 100 issues then that’s a lot of clicks!
it would be nice to be able to select part or all of them and then delete them all at once.
Also, as you can see the first one in the example above doesn’t even have a way to resolve the issue. it just gives you an option to click OK and the issue just stays there.
I’m not sure how to fix that one. Do I need to no longer exclude it from the statistics? that doesn’t seem like that should be the only solution. especially if I intentionally excluded it in the first place.