Plex Assistant Not working - Configuration issue?

Have followed the instructions on github,

ITFFF has been setup correctly. and appears to work and google says the right thing. Howeverr there is no sound from any of the google home devices.

The trace log says

Triggered by the event ‘ifttt_webhook_received’ at 26 June 2022, 17:54:07

Test template condition

Call a service based on a template

Stopped because an error was encountered at 26 June 2022, 17:54:07 (runtime: 0.02 seconds)

Unable to find service plex_assistant.command

Being a noob its a bit confusing what to look at next.


# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


# Text to speech


** - platform: google_translate**

automation: !include automations.yaml

script: !include scripts.yaml

scene: !include scenes.yaml

conversation: #### Keep this line

** intents: #### and this one if you have other intents.**

** Plex:**

** - “Tell Plex to {command}”**

** - “{command} with Plex”**

intent_script: # Keep this line if you have other intent scripts below

** Plex:**

** speech:**

** text: “Command sent to Plex.”**

** action:**

** - service: plex_assistant.command**

** data:**

** command: “{{command}}”**


What version of Home Assistant are you running?

Since 2022.7.0, Python was updated to version 3.10. Plex assistant does not support Python 3.10 and the github rep has been archived. So we may need to find an alternative if the original dev doesn’t upgrade it.

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