Plex question

Im not sure how to setup plex for HA. I have a local plex server on the same subnet however it is not coming up in HA. I don’t know if i need the plex token. How would i know if i need to add it?

Furthermore, I’ve added the following entry to a separate plex.conf file {“INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS:INTERNAL_PORT”: {“token”: “null”}}

Thanks for the link however I’ve read that page and still have some questions regarding the syntax.

Additionally, i dont believe i need a network token with my config so I’m not sure what I’m missing.

I had the best luck when I had a instance of a movie playing on Plex and then restarting home assistant.

For me i need to change that

file plex.conf :
{“IP:PORT”: {“token”: “TokenID”}}

To get your token_id

After that in Home Assistant your Plex will be appear.

Good movies to you