Plug: Ensure "ALWAYS_ON" for relay during reboot and update


can I assume that with the configuration below the relay in a device stay on (= no interruption of power to connected device), also during reboot and software update?

restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

I theory I guess yes. But what is your experience with different devices?

I want to use an ESP32 or ESP8266 powered plug for energy measurement. The connected device is a “server” that is running 24/7. An interruption of the power supply will hurt the connected device. I found a pug without build-in relay. But there is a much wider selection of plugs with build-in switch and also better re-use options for the future.

In general - yes, it will.

On ESP8266 also set following:

  restore_from_flash: true
  early_pin_init: false
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