I have Plum lightpads in the house and a username and password for https://plumlife.com/my-account. I’m not sure if this is the place for the Plum Cloud. Usually when a new platform comes onboard there are instructions on how to link the accounts and wherte to go to do that but not in this case.
My problem is Hassio says I have plum_lightpad misconfigured when this is in my config file:
There is a bug in the plum component that causes the lights to fail to initialize if the glow ring is turned off when Homeassistant starts. However, from your description it sounds more like you might have something set up incorrectly in your secrets.yaml. Post the error message.
Is there a way to have the glow ring, turn on at 8AM, red, 100% and at 7PM turn glow ring down to 10% brightness without having the light come on. Just enabling the glow ring.
Brandon, the integration we have to the Plum Lightpads is pretty rudimentary. In fact, I cannot even change the glow ring color without error. It also doesn’t support the PIR sensor, or the energy reporting that is coming from the switch.
I’m going to dig into the code as I have 6 Plum Lightpads and recently got one on my new house network, so now I have something I can test/play with…