PMSA003 vs PMS7003

Can somebody please tell me the difference between the Plantower PMSA003 and PMS7003 sensors?
I’m really struggling to find decent information on these devices, as well as anything else in the Plantower PMS family.

However, I did find this document, except that it indicates that there is no difference. But surely there has to be a difference.
A Review of Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors from the Developers’ Perspectives

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I looked at these a while back - I believe the 7 and the A are model numbers - i.e the older ones were gen 5 - PMS5003, then gen 7 PMS7003, now gen 10, PMSA003.

Thanks Burner86,

That’s true, but I can’t find that in any Plantower documentation to verify it. And if that’s the case, why is PMSA usually more expensive than PMS7 ? You’d think it would be the other way around.

References 124 and 125 link to Plantower datasheets for both sensors but neither are in English so I can’t check them myself.

I did a bunch of reading on this, long since lost the website I found it at, but the claim was the A model was a smaller form factor but otherwise was the same as the 7003. So I went with the 7003.

What is true?