Popp 009303 Wall Switch

Anyone can help me set up this switch?

I tried Central Scene didn’t work. I tried Send Scene. it dosn’t show up in the logger at all.

2017-08-10 18:35:17 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=zwave.sw_elternzimmer, old_state=<state zwave.sw_elternzimmer=Ready; node_id=37, node_name=sw_elternzimmer, manufacturer_name=Popp, product_name=009303 Battery Wall Controller, old_entity_id=zwave.sw_elternzimmer_37, new_entity_id=zwave.sw_elternzimmer, query_stage=Dynamic, is_awake=True, is_ready=True, is_failed=False, is_info_received=True, max_baud_rate=40000, is_zwave_plus=True, capabilities={‘beaming’}, sentCnt=14, sentFailed=1, retries=0, receivedCnt=32, receivedDups=6, receivedUnsolicited=20, sentTS=2017-08-10 18:35:17:381 , receivedTS=2017-08-10 18:35:17:419 , lastRequestRTT=25, averageRequestRTT=46, lastResponseRTT=37, averageResponseRTT=2363, battery_level=82, wake_up_interval=240, friendly_name=sw_elternzimmer @ 2017-08-10T18:35:07.458575+02:00>, new_state=<state zwave.sw_elternzimmer=Ready; node_id=37, node_name=sw_elternzimmer, manufacturer_name=Popp, product_name=009303 Battery Wall Controller, old_entity_id=zwave.sw_elternzimmer_37, new_entity_id=zwave.sw_elternzimmer, query_stage=Complete, is_awake=True, is_ready=True, is_failed=False, is_info_received=True, max_baud_rate=40000, is_zwave_plus=True, capabilities={‘beaming’}, sentCnt=14, sentFailed=1, retries=0, receivedCnt=32, receivedDups=6, receivedUnsolicited=20, sentTS=2017-08-10 18:35:17:381 , receivedTS=2017-08-10 18:35:17:419 , lastRequestRTT=25, averageRequestRTT=46, lastResponseRTT=37, averageResponseRTT=2363, battery_level=82, wake_up_interval=240, friendly_name=sw_elternzimmer @ 2017-08-10T18:35:07.458575+02:00>>

I’m having similar problems with this. Did you rename it yourself or did HA find everything by its self?

Mine is show as following:

zwave._3 Sleeping (Probe) receivedCnt: 0
wake_up_interval: 3600
receivedDups: 0
retries: 0
node_id: 10
averageResponseRTT: 0
sentCnt: 1
new_entity_id: zwave.

receivedTS: 2017-08-16 19:47:30:899
receivedUnsolicited: 0
capabilities: beaming
sentTS: 2017-08-16 19:48:13:360
is_failed: false
is_info_received: false
max_baud_rate: 40000
lastRequestRTT: 0
old_entity_id: zwave.__10
is_zwave_plus: false
is_ready: false
is_awake: false
lastResponseRTT: 0
query_stage: Probe
battery_level: 100
averageRequestRTT: 0
sentFailed: 1

the name shows up if you change Logger to debug. I didn’t change the name…

I had a faulty Controller…
But now thats ok.

Did you get this to work ?

Central scene is not yet supported. It probably will be included in the next release as the corresponding PR has already been merged. I have a Z-Wave.ME WALLC-S battery powered wall switch partially working with that patch.

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is it merge yet?

It is included in the latest release. It still needs manual work though.

i didn’t check it…does someone know if it is now working?

Did anyone get this working?