Hey folks,
Got my hands on a bit of kit that I’m having a go at.
As best I can tell it identifies as a TOCODING/TOSEE/AccFly JY-DB708.
Looks like a pretty common device under a few rebrands.
Has a basic camera, motion sensor & push-button, mic & speaker, connects over basic WiFI.
When 1st firing up, it broadcasts an open WiFI network as TOSEE_X_Y_Z (where X&Y&Z is the last 3 values of the MAC address).
IP is, and gives an DHCP lease starting @
Ran an NMAP against it, but looks to be locked up pretty tight, but seems to communicate via a possibly pretty standard VoIP.
Only interesting bit that stands out is:
Not shown: 1999 closed ports
53/udp open|filtered domain
MAC Address: {REDACTED} (Topwell International Holdings Limited)
Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port
Device type: specialized|VoIP phone
Running: 2N embedded, Grandstream embedded
OS CPE: cpe:/h:2n:helios cpe:/h:grandstream:gxp1105
OS details: 2N Helios IP VoIP doorbell, Grandstream GXP1105 VoIP phone
Network Distance: 1 hopTRACEROUTE
1 4.56 ms
Suspect video is over RTSP & audio simply SIP/VoIP?
From flyer/online, seems I need to download the companion ToSee app from the mobile store, but that’s not gonna happen (I simply don’t trust vendors)
Has anyone had luck with these el-cheapo devices?
Any ideas re how I can gain shell or control over this device?