Hello, I recently switched from TWC to AT&T Uverse. In that process I got a new modem from AT&T and decided to upgrade my wireless router. Now just as a clarification I had poet forwarding to duckdns working previously, so I know it works.
I currently have my netgear router in AP mode. And I’ve set port forwarding from 443-8123 through the terrible AT&T Uverse portal. But it does not seem to be doing anything. It also looks like AT&T is using port 443 for something on their end as well.
I talked with chat about it. And some people were saying this isn’t possible with AT&T portal for free. I really hope that’s not true. Does anyone have any experience with this and can help?
It looks like AT&T Uverse uses this port for their wireless set top boxes from what I can see in Google searches. Did you have to do anything special? Are you using wireless STBs in your setup, @arsaboo?
All I have is the ATT Modem (5268AC) and followed this thread to set it up in a bridge mode. My ASUS router plugs directly into the ATT Modem and I don’t have any other devices from ATT.
When you do this, for the non AT&T device, do you keep it in router mode? Or does it still need to be in AP mode (or bridge mode)? Cause when I just use normal router mode, it sets up a whole new IP group for everything.
@arsaboo So I set it to normal router mode. I did DMZ+ for my router. And I forwarded port 443-8123 on my netgear router. But my duckdns site is still unreachable. I can access it through rpiIP:8123 still, but not through the public IP address.
The Asus (non-ATT) router is in router mode and handles all the routing functions. And it will create a separate subnet (in my case, 192.168.2.X) for all your local devices.
And ok, so I’ve set up my LAN to now be a subnet (so same 192.168.2.X)
I’ve forwarded 443-8123 on my Netgear Router.
I’ve set my netgear router to DMZ+ on my AT&T Pace modem.
And yet I can still only access home assistant by going to the local IP address ( in my case).
If I go to the public IP, I get nothing still. I just don’t know why it’s not working
OK, I don’t know what it was, but I followed everything above, and literally just let it sit for a while (thinking it wasn’t working). Tried pulling it up today and BAM! Everything works. Thanks @arsaboo