Position problem when GPS is off

Hello everyone.
I have a problem with user location. I am using the companion app on all family phones and each person is configured in HA with either a device tracker created by unifi wifi network and one created by Nabu Casa.
They work fine in mostly all situations, except this one.
If you are at home, both the unify and nabu sensor show “home”. When you leave home they both show something like “not_home”. Suppose that, when still at home, you turn your phone’s gps off and the you leave home. The unifi sensor will show “not_home” but the nabu casa tracker will still show “home” and the position will not change unitl you activate the phone’s gps.
The Person entity is very conservative, and as long as an entity associated with a person is “home” the person entity is considered home, even though, in the above case, unify entity is “not_home” and the nabu casa gps is off.
Any suggestion to solve this situation?
Is there a way to know if the gps is on or off? In this case I can create a workaround.
Thanks in advance.