Possible error in alarm_control_panel/manual.py

Relative NOOB here. However, I’ve got home assistant up and running and using it for a home alarm system.
I noticed that in the code for alarm_control_panel/manual.py, it states the following behavior:
Represents an alarm status.
When armed, will be pending for ‘pending_time’, after that armed.
When triggered, will be pending for ‘trigger_time’. After that will be
triggered for ‘trigger_time’, after that we return to disarmed.
However, the actual behavior displayed is that when the alarm is triggered, it is pending for ‘pending_time’, not for ‘trigger_time’, before changing to state ‘triggered’.
The error appears to be in line 71 of manual.py (alternately, of course, the documentation is incorrect).

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I can confirm that the docu is correct so if that is how it is stated in the code it is indeed wrong :slight_smile:

The correct behaviour should be to pend for pending_time, then trigger for trigger_time surely?

I would suggest that simply the docs are wrong.