I have a garage port project which is my other post here, and i was wondering if it is possible to use an ESP32 for both the garage port actions and sensors, AND it controlling a 30cm rgb strip with WLED?
this should be possible
yeah I think the ESP has the processing power to do it but I don’t know if you are able to control led strips within ESPhome
Then you need to read the docs, which have a whole section named “Light”
You could do a lot more with 1 esp, it might freeze up and you need to reset before you can open de garage door, so it might be wise to divide between multiple units
lets say that esphome can do a lot, for now its in the realm of possibillities, dividing is not needed but keeping thing seperate in DIY is sometimes easier than to combine
Do you know if it has like simple rgb-out at least? like show the color red? I can google a bit
@sylvester420 This link will show you some examples ESPHome — ESPHome
I would recommend to buy a arduino / esp32 kit that come with individual led’s and a ws28 chip (ledstrip is just many leds in a row) do some examples with esphome and a breadboard. get a basic grasp of things.
youtube has a lot of examples, and the link above is the resource
My led strip is an RGBIC WS2811 if that makes it any easier? But thanks I will take a look
look at (bottom of page) you see ws2811 mentioned
Connect power from strip to the power supply it came with, (replace the arduino with esp32 … do note the resistor is for arduino who has more tolerance for 5v than an esp32 … I hook them up without issue but still doing your own homework/due dillengance might be wise and the esp32 power supply should be 3,3v
Yes, exactly what esphome is made for. You can also attach a display and add some more buttons. Maybe a rotary encoder too?
Yes and no.
Yes you can control an RGB or addressable LED strip but you can not use WLED to do it if installing ESPHome on the device.
Read the docs. We are not a helpdesk. Surely you must have been to esphome.io if you are already using esphome.
you can not use WLED to do it
Missed that, correct!
But another WLED device can control esphome if I understand the esphome docs correctly (wled light effect).
Sure, but they were asking about ESPHome and WLED on one device.
Do you need that resistor on the data pin on the esp32? I already have a WLED setup with another part of the same strip and that didn’t need a 470 ohm resistor. Thanks though. I think this is actually the solution, instead of using WLED
I am no electronics expert, though in my own experiance such additions might prevent unstable behavior in the long run
I am no electronics expert
Nor am I.
additions might prevent unstable behavior in the long run
But this is what we actually want (prevent unstable behavior)!
For me plenty of esphome devices doing lots of things in parallel and I didn’t found a problem yet which couldn’t be solved. What might can get a little tricky to set up is to have displays with high frequency updates together with other components that update rapidly (most actually don’t and by default often only read sensor data every 60 seconds). Still with a little optimization in the esphome yaml (and fabulous help from the esphome discord) even tricky things can be achieved.
I remember one esphome users started to get problems when he had configured over 1000 (yes, thousand!) sensors (I think 1-wire ones) on a esp32 because it got short on memory.
In case one runs many components on a esphome node and weird things are happening just take a look in the log. Often a warning like “component X is blocking for more than 16ms…” is printed which can give a hint on which component to optimize in the yaml. Also first thing to drop is usually the web server as it frees lots of rom and ram!
arduino who has more tolerance for 5v than an esp32
Afaik the esp32 (as well as the esp8266) are 5V tolerant on the GPIOs. I always attach 5V logic stuff directly without resistors or level shifter - including WS2812 led strips. For now I had never problems with it and nothing was fried!