Possible to modify values from sensors?

I have two Zooz 4 in 1 ZSE40 sensors (http://www.getzooz.com/zooz-zse40-4-in-1-sensor.html) and two dumb cheap visual hydrometers (https://www.homedepot.com/p/AcuRite-Digital-Humidity-and-Temperature-Comfort-Monitor-00619HD/202260980).

Both the Zooz sensors register humidity and temperature values accurately to each other, as do the dumb sensors. The Zooz temperature readings and the dumb temp sensors readings are generally within a couple of degrees.

I’ve tested relative humidity for both types of sensors in multiple ways (with the devices next to each other)- in a room as-is, next to the outlet of a dehumidifier, next to the inlet of a dehumidifier, and the Zooz consistently reads about 10% higher relative humidity then the dumb sensors (and the dehumidifier’s inlet sensor as well).

I don’t NEED them to match up for automations, not really, I know that. But, on the other hand I kinda do…

Is there a way to manipulate the values being reported in HA’s front end so that the readings from the Zooz sensors are in line with values being reported by the dumb sensors?

Not sure about a UI only method, but you could create a template sensor based on the inaccurate one and just give it an absolute offset of 10%.

You can create a Template Sensor. The Template Sensor’s value_template would use the current value of the Zooz sensor and modify it as per your requirements. You then display the Template Sensor in the UI as opposed to the Zooz sensor.

Ninja’d by freshcoast …

Yours is the more complete answer, I’ll give this one to you. :sweat_smile:

Thank you both!

You’re welcome! Let us know if you need help creating the template.

Saw your reply after spending a great deal of time troubleshooting it, but I got it running and know what to do next time, thank you!

Actually, you “could” do even more than this with a template sensor.
I understand that most people prefer repeatability over consistency and that over accuracy so…
But it also depends on your instrumentation. If you have group saying one thing and a single saying another then I’d weigh toward the many… You may find if you monitor the two over the full range (that you can experience / reproduce) then your table of values ‘could’ show a more complex arrangement, usually a quadratic. If you plot the multiplier offset (against the value you trust) in Excel it will give you its quadratic then you can apply that in the template.

I’ve run into this issue already in just a few hours- the smart and dumb sensors “agree” with each other more or less within different ranges of values. I’m going to be adding to my collection and will be sure to re-address this when I have more data from different areas of the house to compare.