Possible to use sonoff wifi ZbBridge as a type of extender, not primary coordinator?

Currently I use the sonoff zb usb dongle as a controller-- i could never get the sonoff ZB wifi bridge I flashed with tasmota configured/connected to HA. (the usb stick was basically PnP)

I have a couple zigbee switches i’d like to install where my current zigbee network wifi doesn’t reach.

Rather then install a “do nothing” switch/router to extend the network…Is it possible to connect the wifi bridge as a type of zb extender/repeater, and not the primary coordinator? I’m using the ZHA integration.

Input, ideas and suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

Thank you. I didn’t find that in my google search.
Not possible, thread closed. Bummer.

I have a barn I’d like to include in HA. The distance from my home makes it difficult to simply install another plug/switch to extend zigbee network.
Looks like my choices are wifi switches, or running another instance of HA for another zb net.


You can use zigbee2tasmota in your barn on the bridge.

Which bridge would you recommend for that?

Router software is now available:

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Thanks, May order one and flash it. I assume since this was a full-fledged bridge, the router signal strength will be exceptionally higher than other typical repeaters, right?

If you still need to buy, buy a Sonoff Zigbee Dongle plus (CC2652) and flash it with the router firmware.

Yes I am planning it to buy, why is the dongle recommended? Because of a smaller footprint? I honestly want to make sure that I pick the device with the strongest signal reception, which theoretically should be the bridge.

The dongle has a CC2652 chip and an external antenna, the bridge has a silabs chip and a not so good internal antenna.

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Ok thanks, I will get the dongle and see how is the reception. I really need some strong repeater to reach to a detached garage in my case. Worst case scenario I will end up with bridge over Wifi or something. But will try the repeater first.

Made it working!!!

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