Hi great community!
i´ve got a problem with an automation and i could use some advice for constructing a condition that help my situation out.
i have a Sonoff POW flashed with tasmota and connected it to my washing machine.
It sends power usage over MQTT to HA.
And then i’ve made an automation as follows:
The thing is, that it does work, BUT it also triggers randomly throughout the day! Thats quite annoying!
so i was thinking of making a condition that took in consideration that that wattage have been above 200 within the last 5 minutes. Or somthing within those lines.
I have no idea how to phrase that as a working condition though.
Anyone of you brilliant people out there have a good idea?
Did you ever get around to solving this? I’ve been playing with this kind of notification for a while, but I’m having similar problems with ‘false positives’ and/or the notification being triggered when HA restarts…
Nope unfortunately not.
I’ve abandoned the project for the time being.
But if you find a solution I would gladly appreciate if you threw a message about it here
I think there have been some discussion in some other topics about this. The easiest sollution would probably be to use an input_boolean which is set only when the power goes >200 for x number of minutes and off when the power goes <5 for 2 minutes. Send a notification based on the input_boolean being switched off.
If you figure out please share. I am also trying to get this figure out. I can see my power usage peak for few seconds for over 2000w and then runs below 200 for serval minutes and then when it is done remains around 1W
Not sure if conditions would help but cannot figure out