Preferred way to change a state while supressing callbacks

I’m wondering if I can change the state of e.g. a switch while temporarily suppressing callbacks for state changes of that switch. I tried the following (pseudo) code:

def initialize(self):
    self.handle = self.listen_state(<some func>, <switch>, old="off", new="on")

def triggered_by_some_external_event(self, ...):
  self.handle = self.listen_state(<somefunc>, <switch>, old="off", new="on")

this seems to be problematic as by the time the switch is actually turning on, the new listen_state call has already completed, meaning <some_func> will be executed when the function triggered_by_some_external_event is ran. If I put a time.sleep(1) after the turn_on call, everything is working as expected.

My goal is to turn on the switch without executing <some_func>.

With hass automations I can do a wait_template, between turning on the switch and re-adding the callback, but I can’t seem to find something similar in appdaemon.
The only other working solution I came up with

def triggered_by_some_external_event(self, ...):
  self.listen_state(reset_listener, <switch>, old="off", new="on")

def reset_listener(self, ...):
  self.handle = self.listen_state(<somefunc>, <switch>, old="off", new="on")

which seems to be suboptimal too, since I am not guaranteed that the reset listener is added before the switches state transition.

Is there a different way of doing this that I have not figured out yet? Or is either of the above (sleeping or callback chaining) the preferred way of doing things?