Prevent device tracker mark person as away when wife forgets to charge phone at night

As the topic says.

I want to prevent (with automation or script) device tracker (or hass) to set my wife’s phone as away when she forgets to charge her phone.

I’m using asuswrt platform as device tracker and works really nice.

A condition could be something like:

  • If its in the middle of the night. most likely the phone is just off, so, dont change the state until the morning (or comes back online)

Any one has done something like this?

You could create an input Boolean for her home away status and then you make two automations to turn the input Boolean on and off based on the device tracker home and not_home status (there are a few threads about this) but have a condition that the mark as Away automation only works during certain times or you could get fancy and have it only do it if phone battery is below 20 or 30 percent for example…