Problem accessing HASSIO with new router

Hi, I got a new router (rt-ac86u). All my network is up and running, everything works, except HASSIO, I can SSH inside HASSIO host (a NUC with PROXMOX and HASSoS), but HASSIO does not load in my browser

It was working perfectly with the old router and same settings (unless the RT-86U come with some default settings that I overlooked).
Of course without logging inside my HASSIO installation, I do not know how to change configuration (for example disable caddy)

My relevant configurations are below.:
forwarded port 443 and 80 to 8123 at (my HASSIO host)

in configuration.yaml

  api_password: !secret api_password
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I use Caddy HASSIO addon as proxy with the below configuration {
tls {
dns duckdns
log data/requests.log {
rotate_size 50 # Rotate after 50 MB
rotate_age 90 # Keep rotated files for 90 days
rotate_keep 20 # Keep at most 20 log files
rotate_compress # Compress rotated log files in gzip format
header / {
Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains”
X-XSS-Protection “1; mode=block”
X-Content-Type-Options “nosniff”
X-Frame-Options “SAMEORIGIN”
Referrer-Policy “same-origin”
proxy / {
header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}

Actually now I manage to see the frontend, but is very very slow … any hint? (any other device on the network is extremely fast)

How are you accessing your HA? are you using the local IP:port or using your external dns?

Curious if you found a solution. I replace my home router and have the same kind of issue. I can see two Home Assistant Bridge devices with IP addresses connected to the network (I only have one Pi), but I cannot access the web interface using hassio.local:8123, or either of the IP addresses.

Hassio May have some ip dependencies. When I replaced my router I ensured that the new one had the same local IP, range and subnet as the old one. This ensured everything would just work.