Problem adding First Alert Z-Wave smoke detectors

I purchased 7 First Alert Z-Wave smoke detectors to replace every smoke detector in my house. I added 5 without any issue. The last 2 will not add. I followed the same steps as before and now I have 5 zwave devices listed as “Unknown Node xx Initializing (ManufacturerSpecific1)”. I have tried removing the node but it doesn’t go away. I tried readding it and I just get another Unknown Node. I do not have any new entries in known_entities.yaml. I tried restarting HA and I’ve tried removing failed nodes but nothing is working.

Any ideas?

These were a HUGE pain to get added. The device will only send its details on the pairing process which only lasts a few seconds so most of the time all of the communication was not complete by the time the device went to sleep.

I followed a combination of performing a test immediately after inclusion and in other cases this link:

Hope this helps

any luck with getting these to work better?

Not really. I now have a bunch of zwave devices without sensors that I had to hide. I got all of them added but it was a pain.

I suggest if you add one and you don’t get any sensors to remove it first before trying to add it again.

Also take a look at the link I posted because it might help with keeping the device awake long enough for HA to do all of the necessary querying.