Hi guys,
I’m new to HA and have been using it the past month. I love it!
Two weeks back I had a crash due to a bad SD-card. I had 15 Zwave nodes in my config at that time. I managed to flash a new image to a better SD-card and put the configuration back. Everything looked fine.
Today I tried to add some more new Z-wave toys but I notice some issues while adding them (I added nodes of this type before with no problems). In the Zwave config panel they don’t get a name.
(Node: 17 Complete)
(Node: 18 Complete)
(Node: 19 Complete)
All others nodes are correctly listed with their name.
The entities of these “nameless” nodes get no special entity_id, e.g.
old entity id switch.switch_19_0
new entity id switch.switch
They work however, but it’s impossible to keep everything seperated.
I also see that my zwcfg_0xd2f6dfd2.xml file is not being appended with the information of the new nodes. The file is owned by root:root.
What can I do to solve this issue? If I need to give more information, give me a shout!
HA 0.56.2
Kind regards,