Problem adding new Z-wave nodes

Hi guys,

I’m new to HA and have been using it the past month. I love it!

Two weeks back I had a crash due to a bad SD-card. I had 15 Zwave nodes in my config at that time. I managed to flash a new image to a better SD-card and put the configuration back. Everything looked fine.

Today I tried to add some more new Z-wave toys but I notice some issues while adding them (I added nodes of this type before with no problems). In the Zwave config panel they don’t get a name.
(Node: 17 Complete)
(Node: 18 Complete)
(Node: 19 Complete)
All others nodes are correctly listed with their name.

The entities of these “nameless” nodes get no special entity_id, e.g.
old entity id switch.switch_19_0
new entity id switch.switch
They work however, but it’s impossible to keep everything seperated.

I also see that my zwcfg_0xd2f6dfd2.xml file is not being appended with the information of the new nodes. The file is owned by root:root.

What can I do to solve this issue? If I need to give more information, give me a shout! :wink:

HA 0.56.2

Kind regards,

root shouldn’t own the file unless you some how ran hass as root.
how are you running HA? Hassbian? AIO install?

I’m running hassbian.

It absolutely must be owned by the homeassistant user:

sudo chown -R homeassistant:homeassistant /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant
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Thanks! That did the trick.