Problem in controlling cold room temperatures with Google Assistant

I have couple cold rooms where I control the temperature with HA Climate/Generic_thermostat. Adjustment area is set from 1-10 Celsius and the target temperature is set to 1.2 Celsius. This works great!

    min_temp: 1
    max_temp: 10
    target_temp: 1.2
    cold_tolerance: 0
    hot_tolerance: 0.1
    precision: 0.1
      seconds: 10
      minutes: 3

However with google assistant integration there seems to be a problem; it looks like in google side the adjustment area starts from 10 degrees Celsius. This morning this caused me unnecessary heating when playing in google home side settings. Does anyone know is there a way adjust google side settings here? Despite of this I can adjust the thermostat with google voice command to 1.2 degrees Celsius.

Same thermostat in HA after heating this morning:

And in Google:


The GA TemperatureSetting trait does not seem to use the documented attribute thermostatTemperatureRange
It’s been reported looong time ago but nothing seems to happen.
Please go to
and “star” the issue. Maybe we can get attention to it.

Hey Thanks!

“star” completed :wink: